Infinite Mage (Novel) Chapter 114



But still, his grades didn't improve.

I heard that he mastered Schema a month ago, but the speed of reinforcement was so slow that it made me wonder if it was true.

“No matter how much I’m at the bottom, I won’t know unless I try. Who knows, things might go well when I actually challenge?”

“Huhu, yes, that sounds like you.”

Tess had never seen Rian nervous. It was a strange feeling that Rian, who had the weakest ability, remained calm before a test that could lead to amputation of limbs.

'Well, it was the same back then.'

Tess got to know Rian during the probation period.

Swordsmen are naturally fond of fighting. Since 300 such children gathered, the atmosphere was fierce from the first day. The instructors did not particularly interfere with the affair within the academy. Then, as expected, some wolves bared their teeth.

The hierarchy was sorted out in an instant.

Those who learned Schema were in the 1st group, those with strong physical abilities were in the 2nd group, and those who were not either of the two were in the 3rd group. The problem was that the cadets who couldn't even make it into 3rd group. They were boys who had no interest in swords but were pushed into it by their parents.

Group 1's leader, Richard Faiger, persistently bullied such boys. His nature was ferocious to begin with, and now he had come to a military academy that legally teaches murder techniques, his restraint was unleashed.

Tess didn't care. With her skills, she was one of the top 10 women among the cadets in group 1, and was free from the hierarchy competition.

At that time, Rian's rank was in the middle of group 2.

At this level, he wasn't in a position to be bullied, but Rian didn't fit in with anyone. There was one reason why he applied for swordsmanship school. Graduation doesn't matter. His only thought was to improve his skills somehow and become a swordsman who worthy of Shirone.

“Puhahaha! Hey, run! Faster!”

“Neiiigh! Neiiigh!”

One day, the cadets from group 1 rode on the backs of weak children and held a race in the barracks. Every time they hit the buttocks of the boys playing the role of horses with a stick, horse-like cries burst out.

Some of the cadets frowned, but most were engrossed in cheering, as if watching a real horse race. It was a small amount, but it was a real race with money on it. Besides, if they showed dislike, they could become the very person who crawls under them.

"Faster! We're winning! We're winning!"

Piger, who runs the lead, was excited. True to his character of not tolerating defeat in anything, he was giving his all even in a joking race. As the finish line came into view, his beating became more violent. The cadet who became a racehorse had to crawl on his knees, crying and bleeding.

“Neiiigh! Neiiigh!”

"Oh yea! I'm number one......!"

As he was about to cross the finish line, a blurry afterimage appeared in Faiger's eyes. Then, a strong impact struck his nose.


Faiger, who was kicked without realizing it, fell off the back of the racehorse. In the meantime, the latecomers crossed the finish line one after another.

"Be moderate. Is this your playground?"

Faiger held his throbbing nose and glared at the blue-haired boy.

"You little......!"

Ogent Rian.

As far as Faiger knew, even in the 2nd group, their skills were mediocre. His pride was hurt when he realized he had been hit by a guy who hadn't even mastered Schema.

"What's up with you? Want to die?"

Rian didn't answer. His reserved nature did not change even after entering the swordsmanship academy. He doesn't make up any words if he has nothing to say.

"Look at this kid......"

Faiger got up, showing his will to fight. It was a tense situation, but none of the cadets, stricken with fear, stepped forward.

Of course, there were those who didn't feel the need to do so. Tess was one of them.

This was a school of swordsmanship. Nothing would change if they stood up for the weak in a group learning warfare techniques. In the end, the situation would be settled according to the hierarchy of power.

"Hey, that's Rian, right? He's finally caused trouble."

Tess looked back. A girl cadet, the same as her, but taller than the boys by a head, was standing like a wall.

"Do you know his name? He doesn't look strong."

"He's weak. But stubborn. The other day, some kids from group 2 collected some money. It was for Faiger's birthday. But the only person who didn't contribute was Lian."

“Aha, is that why he's targeted?"

"I guess he was asking for it. But honestly, I was surprised. He seemed quiet, but he's surprisingly hot-tempered."


Only then did Tess take a closer look at Rian. He still kept his mouth shut, but he didn't seem to want to back down either.

'There are kids like that too. The kingdom is indeed vast.'

That was the end of her curiosity. She had grown up seeing many eccentrics due to the influence of her father, who was the commander of an occupied territory.

No matter how much they flaunt their convictions, if their sword is not strong, they will be broken. That was the principle of this world.

“Keukeukeu. Has this kid gone dumb? It's too late to regret. Surely you didn’t want to get away with it after doing something like this, did you?”

"Let's go outside. If the instructor finds out, it won't be good for the evaluation."

Faiger was stunned. The guy who should be begging for his life was instead suggesting to avoid the instructor's gaze and fight.

"Alright, as you wish. Follow me. All of you, follow. I'll show you what happens when you challenge me."

Faiger led Rian to an open space behind the building. Cadets from groups 1 to 3 stood behind Faiger, and only the out of group children stood on Rian's side.

But they had already lost their will to fight. No, they didn't come here with the intention of fighting from the beginning. It's just that I didn't belong to Faiger’s group. In their heart, they resented Rian for making things this far.

"Hey, those who don't want to get beaten, come over here."

Faiger offered a pardon. The cadets didn't hesitate. They passed by Rian's side and ran to the opposite side.

“Puhahaha! pitiful things. Hey, Rian. What will you do now? Everyone left, and you're the only one left."

“To rely on numbers. You were rotten from the start."


“If one have no choice but to fight, then they should fight in the way of a knight. You don't even qualify to be a knight." (“싸울 수밖에 없다면 싸우는 게 기사다. 너 같은 건 기사가 될 자격조차 없어.”)

Faiger snorted. If a war breaks out, knights are no different than dogs biting and ripping each other apart. A knight is nothing more than a label for those who have survived, used to elevate themselves.

"Alright, let's see if your fists are as strong as your mouth. Let me face you directly. You'd better not be at ease. Saying you'll fight alone means you're ready to die."

Rian clenched his fist and took a fighting stance. Meanwhile, Faiger approaching leisurely as if taking a walk.

“I’ll give you leeway. Hit first.”

When Faiger flicked his fingers, Rian threw a punch. At that moment, Faiger, who avoided the attack, struck Rian in the abdomen.


Rian's eyes widened in the pain as if his stomach was being torn apart. It felt as if a heavy rock had been slammed into his abdomen. Is this the strength of a punch enhanced by a Schema?

"You idiot. Why should I take a punch?"

Faiger mocked Lian, but it was unexpected that he couldn't finish him with a single blow. He had been too complacent. With that thought, he threw a series of punches with all his might.

Rian was on the verge of losing consciousness. Although it was a bare-handed duel, Schema itself was a lethal weapon. It felt like being pounded by a heavily armed soldier.

As Faiger's fist pounded into his abdomen, Rian's legs were lifted off the ground.

When he landed again, even Rian, who had a good build, couldn't stand. His body, bent at the knees, flopped onto the ground.

‘Right, of course…….’

Faiger sneered at Rian. At that moment, Rian sprung up like an arrow and dived into him.

'What? He still hanging on?'

Faiger was perplexed. Rian hadn't master Schema. Furthermore, he could tell from the feel of his fist that his punch had landed properly. Unless he defended himself with Schema, he should have already lost his consciousness.

Rian focused his attacks on Faiger's stomach. There was no point in aiming for his face as he would easily evade it. But if he obscured his opponent's view with his broad back and attacked from below, even Faiger couldn't rashly counterattack.

The strategy worked and Faiger was forced to retreat repeatedly. Each time a punch landed, his abdomen twitched.

'What the hell is with this bastard?'

From Faiger's perspective, there was nothing to gain even if he won. It was humiliating to have a bout with someone who couldn't even handle Schema.

"You little bastard!"

Faiger let go the string of reason. Grabbing Rian's shoulder and pushing him away, he wrung his fists frantically. A dull sound of blows echoed through the training ground. The cadets watched the one-sided beating with pale faces.

When Faiger came to his senses, Rian was lying crumpled like a rag. But he still hadn't passed out. Seeing Rian's fingers twitch, Faiger's eyes flared with rage.

“Euuaaa! It's annoying!"

Faiger's kick bombarded Rian. Finally realizing the seriousness of the situation, the first group of children rushed over.

"Hey, stop it! He'll really die at this rate!"

"Let go! I'm going to kill him! Die, you bastard!"

Rian's reaction gradually slowed down and finally stopped. Faiger looked around. Seeing the fear on the faces of the other cadets, he seemed a bit relieved.

"Take note! This is what happens when you mess with me! Hey, get some ropes!"

Rian was stripped of his clothes, leaving only his bottoms. There were bruises all over his hard, muscular body. Feiger thought he should set an example here and hung the roped Rian from a tall tree.

Blood dripped from Rian's face, crumpled like a shrimp.

“Puhahaha! He looks like a worm on a fishing hook, doesn't he? Serves him right for acting out of his place."

“Keukeukeu. Oh, it must be so embarrassing. He tried to act tough and got what he deserved."

Words of ridicule poured out from all around. It was as if they had won a war.

Tess frowned. No matter how weak someone was, it was disgraceful to subject a person to such humiliation.

Moreover, there were girls of the same age present. What was Rian thinking now? No, how much emotional pain must he be in?


Rian came to his senses. He hadn't lost consciousness, but he was also not in a good state. Many cadets were giggling. It was like they were watching a monkey at a zoo.

Tess locked eyes with Rian. She tried to maintain a neutral expression. Any hint of sympathy might add to his wounds at this state. However, contrary to her expectations, Rian winked and smiled.

"Ah, sorry about this. There are ladies present."

Tess still maintained her nonchalant expression, but inside, an odd chemical reaction was taking place.

"Puahaha! What is he saying now? He's still boasting in this situation. He's just a fool, isn't he?"

“Hey, hey! Be honest. What do you think you'll look like if you pretend to be proud of a fact that you get beaten to death? You are hilarious."

"Aren't you embarrassed? Embarrassed? In front of the girls in that state. I'd rather bite my tongue and die."

Rian looked down at the cadets. Despite their many taunts, his eyes were calm.

"It's okay. Even if I'm embarrassed."

“Puhaha! Well, people like you have to live like that your whole life. Or are you a pervert? Are you enjoying this secretly?"

Rian said calmly.

"Because I'll be able to forget about this soon."

A silence ensued. An unidentifiable anxious energy dominated the quiet.

"I'm not ashamed because I did my best to fight. As time goes by, I might not even remember that a day like today existed. But... can you guys really forget?"

No answer came back. Everyone's hearts were pounding.

"The sight of you guys tucking your tails without even trying to fight, will probably follow you for the rest of your lives. And you'll regret it. 'If only I had fought back then, if only I had stood up.' But you know what? You can't turn back time.”

The cadets' faces trembled. It was a different kind of fear than Faiger's violence.

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