Infinite Mage (Novel) Chapter 133



“This, this can’t be….”

The guard was shocked. He had not anticipated that the bouncer, famous on Galliant Island for his enormous size, would be knocked down by a woman's single blow.

Rian shook his head as he looked at Tess, who was clapping her hands in triumph. With this in mind, where is there any room for men to squeeze in?

Elzaine swordsmanship is famous for its sophisticated attacks. As a fighter who was trained to strike vital points in any situation, she could eliminate the differences in strength and size in an instant.

'It's impossible to reach the tip of the chin with minimal movement without lethal concentration. You should realize how lucky you are. If Tess had drawn her sword, you would be dead by now.'

Shirone stared blankly at the unmoving bouncer. Was this the movement of a swordsman, the counterpart of a mage?

If Rian's strength was avant-garde, Tess' blow felt like watching a perfect piece of art.

"Wow, that's really cool, Tess."

"Hehe! Was it good? Shirone, you have a discerning eye, unlike someone who's just standing beside me."

Rian, half-listening, approached the guard.

The guard was terrified and his legs were shaking. As Rian grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up, he made a final effort.

"Keuk! Do you know where you are?"

"I came looking because I know where it is. Do I look like I'm playing hide and seek? Where's Amy now?"

"Darn it! Who's Amy? How do I know that?”

"Shall I stop your heart instead of killing you?"

"Damn it! I really don't know! If you're curious, go find out yourself!"

"This guy, seriously!"

Rian's eyes lit up. He was already anxious to death, and this guy was provoking him. Wasn't they doing this because he didn't have time to search?

As he was about to intimidate him with a little more intensity, Shirone approached.

"Rian, that's enough. What's the point of asking him something he doesn't know?"

"Then what? Are we really going to go room by room?"

"No, ask what he knows."

“Ask what he knows? Like what?"

The guard, who met eyes with Shirone, was startled.

Anger of a different nature than Rian's. It felt as though his joints were freezing due to the rising coldness.

"Ask him where Falkoa is."

* * *

Tavern Royal Palace. Basement level 1.

Those who know call this place Temple. Of course, there are no gods. But sometimes they see gods due to the hallucinogenic effects caused by the drug ‘Loop’.

Ultimately, the VIP room on the 4th floor is a place where tourists who came only after hearing rumors came in and out, and the real heavy hitters were all in the basement.

The Temple was a space where various drugs were distributed and stimulants, Loop, could be enjoyed without limit, in other words, a space for those who were crazy for pleasure.

Temple is divided into 17 sections, and has 1.5 times the total area of the first floor.

It's always full, but room 4 is not open to customers, because it's the room of Falkoa, the action captain of the Freeman Organization and the boss of the Royal Palace.

“So I asked him. Will he be buried after you dies, or will you die after being buried? Then do you know what he said?”

"Euhuhu, what did he say, Captain? What did he say?"

Falkoa screamed as he pretended to die.

"Plea~se save me!"

"Ahaha! It's crazy! Plea~se save me!"

“Puhahaha! My stomach hurts from laughing so much! Plea~se save me!"

Falkoa's henchmen pounded the table and burst into laughter. But Jis couldn't understand it at all.

'Crazy bastards. What the hell is so funny about this? They out of their minds.'

"Oh my, darling. Why aren't you drinking?"

Jis just shook his head without even making eye contact with his partner. He felt like he wouldn't be able to see the rising sun tomorrow if he drank here.

Jis gently turned his head to look at Falkoa's partner. He was sitting by Amy, whom he had brought with him.

Of course, she also didn't understand Falkoa's coded laughter and was only staring straight ahead with a dull face.

'She’s really amazing. I'd be scared to death, but her expression doesn't change.'

If you are an ordinary girl, especially a young girl, it is normal to tremble with fear in a situation surrounded by bloody gang members. However, there was not a single hint of tension on Amy's face.

'Oh, so noisy. Bored. I want to go back.'

Amy moistened her lips with the alcohol in front of her. Being a noble, she had learned to drink, but she didn't have a taste for alcohol and never really drank. She barely managed to finish the bottle out of boredom.

However, alcohol is alcohol, as it started to kick in, she found herself falling into slightly emotional thoughts.

'What am I doing here?'

Of course, she had come along because of Jis. But on second thought, it seemed that wasn't the only reason.

'I'm sure he's back by now, right?'

Why was Shirone late? Perhaps he had been entangled in another pointless brawl.

Looking down from Shirone's omniscient point of view, how many unfortunate people could there be in the world?

‘Huhu, did I want to mimic him?’

Thinking about it, her reason for being here was no different.

All she could hear was the idiot she met at the port, and of course, the cry that did not seem to have fallen to the bottom at all, screaming for help. (항구에서 만났던 망나니가, 물론 아예 밑바닥까지 떨어진 것 같지는 않은 망나니가 살려 달라고 비명을 지르는 소리를 들었을 뿐이다.)

The atmosphere of the drinking party gradually warmed up. Amy was more irritated as this went on.

If she were to act domineering, she could show her power and leave, but contrary to expectations, Falkoa kept his manners.

'What on earth is he thinking? Should I make the first move?'

By the time Amy was immersed in her thought, Falkoa was also smiling at Amy, smiling wickedly.

'I can hear the sound of her head rolling even from here.'

Amy must be a high-ranking noble. There was a noble unique loftiness that could not be supplemented by appearance alone.

But Falkoa was at ease. He had the most outstanding weapon that could suppress a noble.

No, with just this one thing, he could make even a king kneel at his feet.

It was Loop.

Even now, many high-ranking nobles were slaves to the Loop in Temple.

If he took his time and led them to the Loop little by little, even the most proud nobleman would not be able to withstand it.

"Come, come. Let's toast, cheers!"

At that moment, a crackling sound was heard from beyond the door. Then the shouts of the employees broke out.

"What are you guys doing! Keuk!"

"Hey! Block them! That's the room where the boss is!"

The door flung open, and three people came in.

Seeing the faces of the invaders, Jis jumped up from his seat as if he'd seen a ghost. They were Amy's friends he had seen at the port.

Falkoa's expression crumpled at once. He would forgive a troublesome customer if they paid a few times more money, but an invasion of his Temple, his territory, was a matter of pride.

"What? What's the matter?"

When Falkoa spoke in a voice without laughter, the immediate subordinates sitting around jumped to their feet. The women, knowing the men's temperaments, discreetly moved away.

"Shirone? How did you know to come here?"

Amy asked with her eyes wide open.

However, Shirone delayed his reply. An itching energy was making his spine tingle.

The one sitting arrogantly in the high seat and crossing his legs must be Falkoa. He didn't look monstrous, but it was clear at first glance that he wasn't normal.

'He's strong, that person......'

Exuding an intent to kill was easy. If you really stare at someone with the intent to kill, even a normal person can intimidate their opponent. But subtly exuding a killing intent as if it's there but not there wasn't easy.

It was an energy that only pros in murder could produce.


Why is Amy sitting next to someone like that?

Instead of a tea cup, a glass of alcohol was in front of her, who enjoyed tea and coffee. The floor was dirty and smelled bad. None of the things he saw in her room were here.

Therefore...... she wasn't here of her own will.

"Let's go home, Amy."

Amy was taken aback. All he had said after such a long delay was "let's go home, Amy." How could he be so bold when he hadn't shown his face while she was waiting?

Amy was angry at herself for being happy to see Shirone a moment ago. From what perspective was Shirone looking at her now? From a human eye level, or from that high sky?

This wasn't what she wanted. That's why she didn't even want Shirone's help. If she made up her mind, she could leave right now.

"Y- You! Do you know where you are going in?"

All the employees of the tavern came in droves. However, they couldn't bear to enter the room of the demon-like Falkoa.

Shirone was stunned. The boss that even his subordinates are afraid of. Just how deep and intense is this man's evilness?

Falkoa lowered his voice with an annoyed tone.

"What are you? Do you know what happens if you enter my room without my permission?"

"We came to take Amy. Let her go."

"Ha, if someone hears that, they might think it's a kidnapping. Even if you're nobles, there are things you need to be careful of. Especially in places like this."\

Shirone's prediction assumption was correct. This place was a lawless zone protected by the island government.

"What are you doing? Send the kids back."

"Where should we send them back, brother?"

Falcoa spat out a sigh and spoke.

“To hell.”

The direct subordinates in room 4 loosened up and approached. It was a different aura compared to the employees who had been passing by until now.

Tess took a stance to draw her sword and spoke.

"Shirone, be careful. They are all Schema users."

Shirone's eyes lit up. Tess had a keen eye, so it was probably true.

Of course, most of the students at the swordsmanship school can open Schema. However, it was definitely strange that not even one of the ruffians living on the island, not inland, was missing a Schema.

'Who the hell are they? How on earth is a mere tavern owner employing such skilled people?'

Shirone stared at the subordinates blocking the front. At that moment, a tremendous emotion struck Shirone's heart.


"Shirone, be careful! It's Pressure!"

There are a lot of abilities related to the 'Eye Techniques' in the Schema system, but Pressure was the most popular among them.

It is good for practical use because the reaction is intuitive, and it's easy to master as long as you know how to project your emotions outward.

Shirone was not taken aback. He realized that it was the same technique he had suffered from Adele, the butler of the Carmis family, when the enemy's hostility crushed his lungs.

However, the quality of the emotion was of a different dimension. If Adele's Pressure was simply to overwhelm the opponent, their pressing was only to end life.

Rian gripped the handle of the straight sword and took a step forward.

"How dare you!"

“Rian! Wait!"

As Shirone shouted, Falkoa's men squinted their eyes in puzzlement. It was the Pressure of a whopping 10 killing intent simultaneously. It was normal to have a stopped heart rather than being able to speak.

But Shirone was still standing. Even with a faint smile on his lips.

The only person who understood this situation was Amy.

'Indestructible. In some respects, it's a power that matches my Red Eye.'

They cannot swing Shirone with Pressure. No, maybe they could, but they were way out of their league.

Shirone moved slowly. Then, as if the atmosphere was being pushed away, the subordinates stepped back at the same pace.

Of course, it wasn't easy for Shirone to let out his emotions either.

It was Pressure of 10 veterans who had experienced countless battles.

You can't value emotions, but to estimate, it was like waiting for a carriage running from afar while tied hands and feet to the ground.

To be more precise, it was the terror of the moment when the carriage arrived right in front of you, and the massive wheel filled your view.

In reality, the time to feel fear would only be 0.1 seconds because death awaits, but Shirone had been feeling the same emotion for over 20 seconds now.Infinite Mage

Eps. 133 Priority (4)

“This, this can’t be….”

The guard was shocked. He had not anticipated that the bouncer, famous on Galliant Island for his enormous size, would be knocked down by a woman's single blow.

Rian shook his head as he looked at Tess, who was clapping her hands in triumph. With this in mind, where is there any room for men to squeeze in?

Elzaine swordsmanship is famous for its sophisticated attacks. As a fighter who was trained to strike vital points in any situation, she could eliminate the differences in strength and size in an instant.

'It's impossible to reach the tip of the chin with minimal movement without lethal concentration. You should realize how lucky you are. If Tess had drawn her sword, you would be dead by now.'

Shirone stared blankly at the unmoving bouncer. Was this the movement of a swordsman, the counterpart of a mage?

If Rian's strength was avant-garde, Tess' blow felt like watching a perfect piece of art.

"Wow, that's really cool, Tess."

"Hehe! Was it good? Shirone, you have a discerning eye, unlike someone who's just standing beside me."

Rian, half-listening, approached the guard.

The guard was terrified and his legs were shaking. As Rian grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up, he made a final effort.

"Keuk! Do you know where you are?"

"I came looking because I know where it is. Do I look like I'm playing hide and seek? Where's Amy now?"

"Darn it! Who's Amy? How do I know that?”

"Shall I stop your heart instead of killing you?"

"Damn it! I really don't know! If you're curious, go find out yourself!"

"This guy, seriously!"

Rian's eyes lit up. He was already anxious to death, and this guy was provoking him. Wasn't they doing this because he didn't have time to search?

As he was about to intimidate him with a little more intensity, Shirone approached.

"Rian, that's enough. What's the point of asking him something he doesn't know?"

"Then what? Are we really going to go room by room?"

"No, ask what he knows."

“Ask what he knows? Like what?"

The guard, who met eyes with Shirone, was startled.

Anger of a different nature than Rian's. It felt as though his joints were freezing due to the rising coldness.

"Ask him where Falkoa is."


Tavern Royal Palace. Basement level 1.

Those who know call this place Temple. Of course, there are no gods. But sometimes they see gods due to the hallucinogenic effects caused by the drug ‘Loop’.

Ultimately, the VIP room on the 4th floor is a place where tourists who came only after hearing rumors came in and out, and the real heavy hitters were all in the basement.

The Temple was a space where various drugs were distributed and stimulants, Loop, could be enjoyed without limit, in other words, a space for those who were crazy for pleasure.

Temple is divided into 17 sections, and has 1.5 times the total area of the first floor.

It's always full, but room 4 is not open to customers, because it's the room of Falkoa, the action captain of the Freeman Organization and the boss of the Royal Palace.

“So I asked him. Will he be buried after you dies, or will you die after being buried? Then do you know what he said?”

"Euhuhu, what did he say, Captain? What did he say?"

Falkoa screamed as he pretended to die.

"Plea~se save me!"

"Ahaha! It's crazy! Plea~se save me!"

“Puhahaha! My stomach hurts from laughing so much! Plea~se save me!"

Falkoa's henchmen pounded the table and burst into laughter. But Jis couldn't understand it at all.

'Crazy bastards. What the hell is so funny about this? They out of their minds.'

"Oh my, darling. Why aren't you drinking?"

Jis just shook his head without even making eye contact with his partner. He felt like he wouldn't be able to see the rising sun tomorrow if he drank here.

Jis gently turned his head to look at Falkoa's partner. He was sitting by Amy, whom he had brought with him.

Of course, she also didn't understand Falkoa's coded laughter and was only staring straight ahead with a dull face.

'She’s really amazing. I'd be scared to death, but her expression doesn't change.'

If you are an ordinary girl, especially a young girl, it is normal to tremble with fear in a situation surrounded by bloody gang members. However, there was not a single hint of tension on Amy's face.

'Oh, so noisy. Bored. I want to go back.'

Amy moistened her lips with the alcohol in front of her. Being a noble, she had learned to drink, but she didn't have a taste for alcohol and never really drank. She barely managed to finish the bottle out of boredom.

However, alcohol is alcohol, as it started to kick in, she found herself falling into slightly emotional thoughts.

'What am I doing here?'

Of course, she had come along because of Jis. But on second thought, it seemed that wasn't the only reason.

'I'm sure he's back by now, right?'

Why was Shirone late? Perhaps he had been entangled in another pointless brawl.

Looking down from Shirone's omniscient point of view, how many unfortunate people could there be in the world?

‘Huhu, did I want to mimic him?’

Thinking about it, her reason for being here was no different.

All she could hear was the idiot she met at the port, and of course, the cry that did not seem to have fallen to the bottom at all, screaming for help. (항구에서 만났던 망나니가, 물론 아예 밑바닥까지 떨어진 것 같지는 않은 망나니가 살려 달라고 비명을 지르는 소리를 들었을 뿐이다.)

The atmosphere of the drinking party gradually warmed up. Amy was more irritated as this went on.

If she were to act domineering, she could show her power and leave, but contrary to expectations, Falkoa kept his manners.

'What on earth is he thinking? Should I make the first move?'

By the time Amy was immersed in her thought, Falkoa was also smiling at Amy, smiling wickedly.

'I can hear the sound of her head rolling even from here.'

Amy must be a high-ranking noble. There was a noble unique loftiness that could not be supplemented by appearance alone.

But Falkoa was at ease. He had the most outstanding weapon that could suppress a noble.

No, with just this one thing, he could make even a king kneel at his feet.

It was Loop.

Even now, many high-ranking nobles were slaves to the Loop in Temple.

If he took his time and led them to the Loop little by little, even the most proud nobleman would not be able to withstand it.

"Come, come. Let's toast, cheers!"

At that moment, a crackling sound was heard from beyond the door. Then the shouts of the employees broke out.

"What are you guys doing! Keuk!"

"Hey! Block them! That's the room where the boss is!"

The door flung open, and three people came in.

Seeing the faces of the invaders, Jis jumped up from his seat as if he'd seen a ghost. They were Amy's friends he had seen at the port.

Falkoa's expression crumpled at once. He would forgive a troublesome customer if they paid a few times more money, but an invasion of his Temple, his territory, was a matter of pride.

"What? What's the matter?"

When Falkoa spoke in a voice without laughter, the immediate subordinates sitting around jumped to their feet. The women, knowing the men's temperaments, discreetly moved away.

"Shirone? How did you know to come here?"

Amy asked with her eyes wide open.

However, Shirone delayed his reply. An itching energy was making his spine tingle.

The one sitting arrogantly in the high seat and crossing his legs must be Falkoa. He didn't look monstrous, but it was clear at first glance that he wasn't normal.

'He's strong, that person......'

Exuding an intent to kill was easy. If you really stare at someone with the intent to kill, even a normal person can intimidate their opponent. But subtly exuding a killing intent as if it's there but not there wasn't easy.

It was an energy that only pros in murder could produce.


Why is Amy sitting next to someone like that?

Instead of a tea cup, a glass of alcohol was in front of her, who enjoyed tea and coffee. The floor was dirty and smelled bad. None of the things he saw in her room were here.

Therefore...... she wasn't here of her own will.

"Let's go home, Amy."

Amy was taken aback. All he had said after such a long delay was "let's go home, Amy." How could he be so bold when he hadn't shown his face while she was waiting?

Amy was angry at herself for being happy to see Shirone a moment ago. From what perspective was Shirone looking at her now? From a human eye level, or from that high sky?

This wasn't what she wanted. That's why she didn't even want Shirone's help. If she made up her mind, she could leave right now.

"Y- You! Do you know where you are going in?"

All the employees of the tavern came in droves. However, they couldn't bear to enter the room of the demon-like Falkoa.

Shirone was stunned. The boss that even his subordinates are afraid of. Just how deep and intense is this man's evilness?

Falkoa lowered his voice with an annoyed tone.

"What are you? Do you know what happens if you enter my room without my permission?"

"We came to take Amy. Let her go."

"Ha, if someone hears that, they might think it's a kidnapping. Even if you're nobles, there are things you need to be careful of. Especially in places like this."\

Shirone's prediction assumption was correct. This place was a lawless zone protected by the island government.

"What are you doing? Send the kids back."

"Where should we send them back, brother?"

Falcoa spat out a sigh and spoke.

“To hell.”

The direct subordinates in room 4 loosened up and approached. It was a different aura compared to the employees who had been passing by until now.

Tess took a stance to draw her sword and spoke.

"Shirone, be careful. They are all Schema users."

Shirone's eyes lit up. Tess had a keen eye, so it was probably true.

Of course, most of the students at the swordsmanship school can open Schema. However, it was definitely strange that not even one of the ruffians living on the island, not inland, was missing a Schema.

'Who the hell are they? How on earth is a mere tavern owner employing such skilled people?'

Shirone stared at the subordinates blocking the front. At that moment, a tremendous emotion struck Shirone's heart.


"Shirone, be careful! It's Pressure!"

There are a lot of abilities related to the 'Eye Techniques' in the Schema system, but Pressure was the most popular among them.

It is good for practical use because the reaction is intuitive, and it's easy to master as long as you know how to project your emotions outward.

Shirone was not taken aback. He realized that it was the same technique he had suffered from Adele, the butler of the Carmis family, when the enemy's hostility crushed his lungs.

However, the quality of the emotion was of a different dimension. If Adele's Pressure was simply to overwhelm the opponent, their pressing was only to end life.

Rian gripped the handle of the straight sword and took a step forward.

"How dare you!"

“Rian! Wait!"

As Shirone shouted, Falkoa's men squinted their eyes in puzzlement. It was the Pressure of a whopping 10 killing intent simultaneously. It was normal to have a stopped heart rather than being able to speak.

But Shirone was still standing. Even with a faint smile on his lips.

The only person who understood this situation was Amy.

'Indestructible. In some respects, it's a power that matches my Red Eye.'

They cannot swing Shirone with Pressure. No, maybe they could, but they were way out of their league.

Shirone moved slowly. Then, as if the atmosphere was being pushed away, the subordinates stepped back at the same pace.

Of course, it wasn't easy for Shirone to let out his emotions either.

It was Pressure of 10 veterans who had experienced countless battles.

You can't value emotions, but to estimate, it was like waiting for a carriage running from afar while tied hands and feet to the ground.

To be more precise, it was the terror of the moment when the carriage arrived right in front of you, and the massive wheel filled your view.

In reality, the time to feel fear would only be 0.1 seconds because death awaits, but Shirone had been feeling the same emotion for over 20 seconds now.

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